Posts Tagged ‘apps’

How to: Set up and Use Voice Access for Android

Close-up of person's hands using a smartphone

In past e-bulletins, we looked at text to speech options that allow users to dictate text into their phones, tablets, and PCs. Voice Access takes that concept to the next level by allowing users to fully control their device using only their voice. This feature is especially helpful for users with mobility or vision challenges who may struggle with gestures and other physical interactions.

Omnifocus: A Task Management App

woman typing on her laptop at her desk

It’s not always easy to stay on task; we live complicated lives split between work and play, between what we want to do and what we need to do, and it’s easy for things to get lost along the way. This is especially true for individuals who struggle with executive functioning or attention-based challenges. One way to stay on task and organized is to look at using a task management app. These apps allow users to digitally write, plan, view, and track daily tasks with ease, so instead of spending mental resources trying to remember what needs to be done, the focus can instead be put on the task itself.

New Android 11 Accessibility Features

Woman wearing a mask, using her phone

Android has recently released version 11, and with it comes some interesting new accessibility features and improvements. We’ll include the link to complete Android 11 accessibility page at the bottom of the article, but since there’s a lot to look at, we’ve taken the liberty of identifying and listing the biggest changes and improvements to come out of Android 11.

How to: Eliminate Distractions While Using Windows 10

man concentrating on his computer

Staying focused and on-task while working digitally can be a real challenge, especially for individuals who struggle with executive functioning and other similar attention-based challenges. In case you’re not familiar, executive function refers to a set of skills that we use to work, learn, and manage our daily lives. These skills include working memory, self-control, and flexible thinking. Those who struggle with executive functioning struggle with focus, directions, and even emotions. In previous e-bulletins we’ve explored apps that are specifically designed to alleviate some of these challenges. Today, we’re going to explore Windows 10 features and settings designed to customize and reduce the “distractibility” of Windows in order to create an ideal work/study experience.

How to: Use Microsoft 365 in the Classroom

Five students around table talking and smiling

With another school year beginning, we thought it would be a great time to talk about using Microsoft 365 in the classroom. This suite of productivity apps is constantly growing and improving, and new accessibility features and educationally focused improvements are constantly being added. Especially with the unique challenges that we are faced with in 2020, virtual learning has never been more essential, and Microsoft 365 has improved greatly in its ability to provide students and teachers with an accessible, dynamic, and user-friendly learning and productivity platform.

Android Accessibility Suite

man wearing dark glasses, using headphones with his phone, seated at a park bench

In recent years, Google has gone to great lengths to bolster the accessibility of Android devices. And although iOS still wins top honors for built-in accessibility, Google has released some interesting accessibility add-ons that warrant some further discussion.

Rivet Reading App

two children looking at an iPad in a library

Since the recent COVID-19 epidemic, educators, parents, and students have been forced to re-examine at-home learning. And while it’s still too early to say for sure, it looks like in a lot of locations around the world, at-home learning is going to account for at least half of a student’s education, at least for the short term. With that in mind, our upcoming e-bulletins will put extra emphasis on learning strategies that can be used at-home.

At-Home Learning Resources for Adults

a laptop with a notebook and pen in front of it

Since the recent COVID-19 quarantine, many of us have been forced to re-think the way that we approach traditional, classroom-based learning and education. Last week, we explored at-home learning resources for students from kindergarten to grade 12. This week, we’re going to continue along with that theme and explore at-home resources for adults who are just about to graduate and beyond. All of the resources listed here are either free or offer some free content.

At-Home Learning Resources for Students

student using laptop at home

Up until recently, most of us haven’t had to stay at home with our school-aged children for extended (and unexpected) periods of time. In these situations, it’s essential that parents provide their children with stimulating learning resources. Doing this not only keeps the kids learning and focused on positive, educational ideas, but it also gives parents time to work, clean, prepare food, or to simply take a moment for themselves.

With that in mind, we’ve assembled a list of educational resources designed for at-home learning. These resources are mostly aimed at school-aged children, and all the content listed below is free.

Bridge Communication App

Two children in a library. One is holding an iPad and sitting in a wheelchair

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technology is designed to provide vocal output for those who cannot (or struggle to) express themselves verbally. This technology could be useful for a wide variety of communication challenges, including autism spectrum disorders, neurological disorders, brain injury, developmental delays, dyspraxia, and any other type of challenge or injury that might affect speech.

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