Posts Tagged ‘WorkBC Assistive Technology Services’

New Hearing Aids Help Tim Communicate at the Jobsite

electrician at work

On a jobsite, it’s important to be able to communicate effectively — not only to get the job done, but more importantly, to stay safe.

It’s something Tim, a young level 1 electrical apprentice based in Port Coquitlam, knows quite well. His work often finds him on high-rise buildings.

Adam’s Improved Quality of Life

man working at his laptop, wearing headphones

Adam is a web developer based in Victoria. His work — which involves long hours on the computer — is taxing on his body due to a spinal cord condition.

 “I have a spinal cord condition that causes chronic back and lower body pain. It makes it difficult to sit or stand for prolonged periods,” he says. “It also makes it difficult to concentrate and problem solve.”

Jeffrey Improves His “Ability to Listen and Follow Conversation” with Hearing Aids

Stock photo of man in a lawn

Jeffrey is an apartment manager in Vancouver, responsible for everything from checking new tenants into the building to responding to on-call issues like noise complaints.

It’s a job that requires good communication with tenants and the contractors he calls to take care of maintenance issues.

However, he’s been struggling with his hearing — dealing with tinnitus, sound sensitivity, and hearing loss.

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Solutions logo
400 – 3999 Henning Drive
Burnaby, BC V5C 6P9
604 473 9360 | 1 877 673 4636
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Hearing Solutions logo
400 – 3999 Henning Drive
Burnaby, BC V5C 6P9
778 945 1215
Refer today